Category: Uncategorized

Towards Size Inclusive at BHN – Share your experience

At BHN, we are committed to being an organisation that embraces and celebrates the diversity of all individuals. We want to hear from our community to learn how we can improve our services so people in all body sizes receive inclusive and friendly healthcare services. We have created a survey so that people can share…

Holter Heart Monitor

BHN is now offering portable Holter heart rhythm monitoring as part of our GP service. The Holter service enables clients with heart issues to be fitted with a small, wearable device that records heart rhythms over a 24 hour period for deeper analysis and treatment planning. This enables detection of rhythms that might not appear…

Statement on 26th January

To stand in solidarity with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, we must also stand with them in their grief. Better Health Network recognises 26 January as a day of mourning and reflection. This day marks the start of colonisation in Australia and the ongoing dispossession, discrimination and violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait…

BHN celebrates decriminalisation of sex work

After years of advocating for sex workers, Better Health Network (BHN) is delighted the final stage of decriminalisation of sex work in Victoria, will come into effect on Friday 1 December. The last step in this legislative change sees Victoria become the third Australian jurisdiction to decriminalise sex work, following decades of advocacy and activism…

Help Dimitri Raise Funds for Movember

Our Disability Support Service client Dimitri has set out to ‘Grow a Mo’ and help raise funds for this important cause. Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health. Participants can chose to ‘Grow a Mo’, ‘Move for Mental Health’, ‘Host A Mo-Ment’ or ‘Mo Your Own Way’! By raising awareness around…

BHN Women’s Health Week Education Session

Women’s Health Week Education Session Women’s Health Week has officially started, running from the 4th to 8th September. This year the focus is on supporting women to make informed decisions about their health by providing information that’s easy to understand. The theme ‘Grow your knowledge’ will feature daily topics during this week around health checks…

BHN Statement on the Voice Referendum

Better Health Network is supportive of giving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people a voice to Parliament.  While we recognise that some members of our community may hold different views, we are proud to release the following statement that aligns with our commitment to health equity and our vision of health and wellbeing for all…

Working towards size inclusivity for the health of the whole community

Working towards size inclusivity for the health of the whole community Better Health Network (BHN) is calling for health and wellbeing environments to adopt more size-inclusive practices to ensure everyone can access kind, supportive and equitable health care – rather than a non-inclusive approach that results in people actually disengaging from healthcare, nutritious eating and…

National Student Volunteer Week – 7 to 13 August 2023

National Student Volunteer Week – 7 to 13 August 2023 National Student Volunteer Week, 7 to 13 August, is an annual celebration that acknowledges and celebrates student volunteers and promotes volunteering to students and young people across Australia. Volunteering is the act of helping others in the wider community, and building empathy and understanding, that…
