LGBTIQA+ Safe and Inclusive Services

Better Health Network is committed to providing an inclusive service, and work environment where individuals feel accepted, safe, affirmed and celebrated. Better Health Network is committed to the fair and equitable treatment of everyone, including those with diverse cultural or linguistic backgrounds, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status, religion or spiritual beliefs, socio-economic status, age, or abilities.

LGBTIQA+ Safe Environments

BHN stands proudly with the LGBTIQA+ community. We embrace and celebrate the diversity, strength, and resilience of every individual. Our commitment is to provide inclusive, compassionate, and affirming healthcare for all, ensuring that every person feels seen, respected, and valued. Together, we foster a safe and supportive environment where your unique identity is not just accepted but celebrated.

BHN understands that within the LGBTIQA+ community there are some individuals who have unique needs due to their intersectional experiences. These people can include sex workers, First Nations communities, people with disability, and older adults. We are committed to tailoring our services to each person’s unique needs.

We recognise that LGBTIQA+ people face significant discrimination, including barriers to accessing health care services and employment, and are committed to working toward equity.  

We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive and affirmative environment for our LGBTIQA+ clients, staff and volunteers.

Rainbow Tick Quality Standards and Accreditation

Rainbow Tick is a quality framework that helps organisations build lasting LGBTIQA+ inclusion.

BHN is currently working towards Rainbow Tick accreditation and will be assessed against the standards in September 2024.

We want your feedback

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we welcome and value your feedback.

How to get in touch:

LGBTIQA+ Specific Services in Victoria