VicRoads-approved Safe Driving Program

BHN is proudly the most cost-efficient provider of the VicRoads’ Safe Driving Program, a court-mandated program for people found guilty of certain high-risk driving offences.

It is only available to those who have been ordered by the court to complete the Safe Driving Program

We aim to schedule our sessions at times convenient to you, to reduce the amount of time you may need to take off work.  Sessions are held late afternoon during the week .

What happens in the program?

The 5-hour program is led by an experienced facilitator and is designed to help reduce unsafe driving behaviour.  It assists participants to explore, understand and prevent their unsafe driving behaviours in the future.

The program is offered online (via Webex) and we aim to schedule one in-person session each month – during the construction industry’s scheduled Rostered Day Off.

How much does the program cost?

BHN offers the program for $840.  We are the most cost-effective provider in Victoria.  Payment is required at the time of booking.

How do I book a place in BHN’s Safe Driving Program?

To make a secure online booking using your credit card, click here.

You will be emailed instructions to log on to the course 24 hours prior to your booked session.

What do I need?

To attend the online session, you will need access to a computer, laptop or tablet with a working camera and microphone. Your camera must be turned on at all times, and based in a quiet, private room for the duration of the session. Smart phones are not recommended.

Participants must ensure they are online in time for the start of the session.  Latecomers may be required to rebook and complete the program another day.

If you have any questions, please contact us via BHN’s Safe Driving Program Coordinator on (03) 9575 5333 or by email

What ID is required?

You will need to provide one ‘Category A’ photo identity document, such as a photo driver’s licence or Australian passport, to attend the session. Please click here for more information.

What happens after I complete the Safe Driving Program?

On successful completion of the 5-hour VicRoads Safe Driving Program, you will receive a scanned copy of the Safe Driving Completion Certificate (SDPCC) to provide to VicRoads.

General information

For general information about the VicRoads Safe Driving Program, visit the VicRoads website.

Please note:

  • Only VicRoads-approved providers such as BHN can issue a VicRoads Safe Driving Program Completion Certificate.
  • A minimum of four participants is required to conduct the course. If less than four participants are registered for a session, the BHN Service Access Team will contact you 24 hours before to advise you of cancellation. This will result in booking you into the next available course or providing a full refund.

If you have any questions, please contact our Safe Driving Co-ordinator:

Phone: (03) 9575 5333


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